Ken Goldberg President, Robot Learning Foundation Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research William S. Floyd Jr. Distinguished Chair in Engineering, UC Berkeley Chief Scientist, Ambi Robotics and Jacobi Robotics
about |
projects and news |
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projects and news
- Armchair Expert Podcast and Video
- Ancient Wisdom: art exhibit (Los Angeles)
- Breathless: robot dance performance (NY and SF)
- Is Data All You Need? Large Robot Action Models and Good Old Fashioned Engineering
- Augmented Surgical Dexterity (Science Robotics, Nov 2024)
- Robots: What's Taking So Long?? (TED talk)
- Chair, BAIR Steering Committee
- Chief Scientist, Ambi Robotics
- Chief Scientist, Jacobi Robotics
- Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) Executive Board
- Editorial Board - Science Robotics Journal
- Orienting Polygonal Parts Without Sensors (online algorithm)
- Editorial: Getting a Grip on Reality. Science Robotics. V6(54), 26 May 2021.
- Art and Engineering Interview, National Academy of Engineering. Bridge Journal, June 2021.
- ICRA Plenary Panel: Synergies between Automation and Robotics (June 2021)
- New AUTOLab Papers (June 2021)
- Orienting Polygonal Parts Without Sensors (in Python)
- AUTOLab Papers (Nov 2020)
- How To Train Your Robot (free 15 min kids video)
- How To Train Your Robot (free kids book)
- AlphaGarden
- IFRR Panel on Art and Robots (10 Sept 2020)
- CITRIS People and Robots Initiative Weekly Seminar Series
- General Chair, 2022 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Auckland, New Zealand.
- Avuncular Advice from A to Z (RSS Pioneers Workshop for senior PhD and Postdocs, 11 July 2020)
- Adversarial Grasp Objects.
- Dexterity Network (Dex-Net) 4.0: Deep Learning for Robust Grasping of Generic Objects
- Complementarity: Is AI a Threat...or an Opportunity?
- Dex-Net 1.0 as a Service (DNaaS)
- Fog Robotics
- The Center for Automation and Learning for Medical Robotics (Cal-MR)
- Robots, Botox, and Google Glass (Short Documentary Film)
- Robots with Their Heads in the Clouds
- International Advisory Board, Chronus Media Art Center, Shanghai
- The Science of Character (Short Documentary Film)
- Why We Love Robots (Short Documentary Film, Botscar Award: Robot Film Festival, Nominated: Emmy Award)
- Fitts' Law: Open-Access Datasets with 94,000 Timing Measurements
- Opinion Space: Social Media for Innovation and Insight
- The Rashomon Project (Multi-Perspective Video Timelines)
- UC Berkeley Regents' Lectures Program
- LACMA Art and Technology Lab
- Jester Dataset of 6.5M joke ratings for Collaborative Filtering and Recommender Systems (updated Nov 2020)
- Algorithmic Automation
- Art Projects
- Applets (interactive Java software) and Videos
- Research Papers
- Summary of Research Contributions
- Berkeley Automation Science Lab
- Patents
- Java Applets, Interactive Online Demonstrations, and Videos
- ICRA Plenary Panel: Covid-19: How Can Roboticists Help? (June 2020)
- Open Problems for Robots in Surgery and Healthcare (Workshop, May 2020)
- The Third Wave of Robot Grasping (This Week in AI (twiml) Podcast with Sam Charrington (March 2020)
- Debate on Sim2Real at Robotics: Science and Systems Conference Workshop (July 2020)
- SCHooL: Scalable Collaborative Human-Robot Learning (NSF NRI Project)
- RAPID: Robot-Assisted Precision Irrigation Delivery (USDA/NSF NRI Project)
- CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative
- NSF National Robotics Initiative Project: Multilateral Manipulation by Human-Robot Collaborative Systems
- Collaborative Assessment and Feedback Engine (CAFE)
- Chancellor's Award for Research in the Public Interest (for CAFE)
- Creative Compliance: Workshop on Robots and Art, IEEE ICRA, Brisbane, AU
- Top US Schools to Study Robotics
- First Conference on Robot Learning (#CoRL2017), Mountain View, CA, Nov 13-15, 2017. Co-Chair
- Free Speech on Free Speech (Online Dialogue)
- Free Speech Symposium at UC Berkeley
- Symposium on Robot Learning (SoRL), UC Berkeley, May 1, 2017. Co-Chair.
- AI in Automation Workshop, ICRA, Singapore, June 2 2017. Co-Chair.
- Inclusive AI: Technology and Policy for a Diverse Urban Future, UC Berkeley, May 10, 2017. Program Committee.
- 12th Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Dec 18-20, 2016. San Francisco
- NSF National Robotics Initiative Project: Multilateral Manipulation by Human-Robot Collaborative Systems
- CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- Cloud Manufacturing and Automation Workshop
- Steering Flexible Needles through Soft Tissues (NIH Project)
- Concept Sketch: ALAN, A Practical Robot for Industry?
- Motion Planning in Medicine: Optimization and Simulation Algorithms for Image-Guided Procedures: (Monograph).
- Member, Technical Activities Board, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Hybrid Wisdom Labs
- Donation Dashboard: Recommending Charities with Collaborative Filtering
- Steering Flexible Needles through Soft Tissues (NIH Project)
- ANA*: An Anytime Nonparametric A* Search Algorithm
- CONE: Collaborative Observatories for Natural Environments (NSF Project)
- CONE Welder: Online Game using Robot Camera to Document Wild Birds (NSF/Smithsonian Project)
- ACONE: Autonomous Camera for the Search for the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker (NSF Project)
- Respectful Cameras (NSF Project)
- Jester 4.0: Recommending Jokes with Collaborative Filtering
- Academic CV
- Tele-Actor archive
- Collaborative Teleoperation archive
- The Tele-Actor and Collaborative Telerobotics
- Beyond Webcams: An Introduction to Online Robots (MIT Press, 2002)
- The Robot in the Garden (MIT Press, 2000)
- Stochastic Plans for Robotic Manipulation (PhD Dissertation, 1990, searchable pdf, 45MB)
- TechCrunch Robotics Symposium, May 2018, UC Berkeley
- The California Report Card
- QuakeCAFE Platform for Earthquake Preparedness
- Robotics at UC Berkeley
- President, Robot Learning Foundation (organizer of CoRL confs)
- Chair, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab Steering Committee
- Editorial Board, Science Robotics journal
- Lawrence Hall of Science, Chair, Academic Advisory Board
- Executive Committee, Berkeley Center for New Media
- Editorial Advisory Board, Springer-Verlag: Advanced Robotics Book Series
- Member, Technical Activities Board, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
- Co-Founder, IEEE Technical Committee on Networked Robotics
- Founder, The Melvin M. Goldberg Research-in-Israel Fellowship
- Founding Director, The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
- emeritus Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
goldberg {at} berkeley.edu